Community Shul Religious School and B’nai Mitzvah program

Community Shul Religious School and B'nai Mitzvah program


3:30 pm - 5:30 pm


The Jewish Federation’s Bronfman Family JCC.
524 Chapala St, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101

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Community Shul Religious School and B’nai Mitzvah program

We offer a wonderful Religious School program with small classes for individualized attention. Our young children’s program and B’nai Mitzvah program, meet on Mondays from 3:30 to 5:30 P.M at the Bronfman Family JCC .

To register for Religious School Grades 1-5 please click here 

To register for the B’nai Mitzvah Program Grades 6, 7, 8 please click here

For more information please email: or call Itzik Ben Sasson Education Director, 805.895-6593
