1. Picking up and dropping off
Please drop off all students before the start of the school day and pick them up after it ends. Please keep the drop off and pick up spots at the JCC moving. If you need to come into the JCC itself, please park in any of the designated parking spots and personally accompany your child to a safe place.
Please make sure your kids eat before they come to the classroom.
2. Attendance
The more your child participates in our program, the better the opportunity for the program to leave a positive and long-term impact. We therefore urge parents to permit student absences only in the most exceptional of circumstances.
3. Come to your child’s classroom
It will keep you informed about your child’s experience and you’ll get to know our teachers.
4. Stay in touch
Feel free to contact your child’s teacher, to learn about any aspect of his/ her experience and to offer comments.
5. Homework
We realize that the children often receive a significant amount of homework from their daily school and have many family commitments and other activities. Please remember that their Jewish education is our top priority and cannot be completed solely during classroom hours. Children will, therefore, occasionally be assigned homework requiring some parent participation.
6. Religious School Education Committee
Monthly meetings are dedicated to determine the best policies for the future of the school, assessing the existing programs.
7. Share a talent, life experience or skill
If you have a special talent, skill or life story that you feel could enrich our educational program, please let the Director of Education know if you’d like to volunteer to find a mutual suitable way for our students to benefit from your talent and strengths.